Abstract :
Abstract: Hartama ilham.2015. Parenting parents is one of the factors that affect achievement motivation and learning achievement. Encourage student learning motivation for learning activities, determine the direction of ction and selecting actions that are beneficial in achieving maximum learning. A student with high degree of intelligence that may fail to achieve the maximum if the lack of motivation to learn. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of parenting parents with the motivation and learning achievement 6th semester student nurses education course in STIKes Patria Husada Blitar. This study design using correlational, with purposive random sampling technique. The population in his study were all student of the 6th semester study program nurses in STIKes Patria Husada Blitar totaling 31 stuudents with a sample of 26 students. Data using quessionnaires and 6th semester students nurses in Education Studies Program STIKes Patria Husada Blitar. Analysis of data using statistical test spearman rho. Result of statistical analysis of test data was r = 0,002 (< 0,005). The result showed no relationship parenting with motivation to learn, where as parenting parents relationship with student achievement is 0,038 so the hypothesis is accepted. Student are expected to be able to recieve with positive parenting parents.
Keywords : Pattern of parenting, motivation to learn, academic achievement