Abstract :
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that is a threat of serious health problems today.
Someone with diabetes mellitus are very vulnerable to stress because of illness. Stress
experienced by patients with regard to treatment that must be endured throughout his life. In
addition, there are factors related to stress. The aim in this research that describes the factors
associated with diabetes mellitus.
This study design was cross-sectional, the dependent variable is the stress in patients with
diabetes mellitus and the independent variables associated with stress factors. The research
location in Poly Clinic Hospital Medicine Mardi Waluyo on September 1 to 8, 2015. The
population of 200 diabetics with purposive sampling technique obtained 34 samples.
From the results obtained largely penilitian experiencing moderate stress, 47.6% (10
respondents) are women; 92.9% (13 respondents) aged 50-65 years; 92.3% (12 respondents) with
the disease 3-7 years old; and 92.3% (12 respondents) with a duration of treatment of 3-7 years.
Analysis of data using spearmen rho test sex with stress obtained p = 0.004, the age of the
stress p = 0,001, long disease with stress p = 0.012 and duration of treatment with the stress p =
0.012. It shows the relationship between the factors of gender, age, duration of disease and
duration of treatment with stress in patients with diabetes mellitus.
Results of this study are expected to minimize the stress on patients with diabetes mellitus,
in cooperation with the hospitals, patients, and families.
Keywords: stress, diabetes mellitus, relating factors.