Abstract :
Yunita.R.2016, Effects of Nutrition Counseling Toddler Against Capital Knowledge About Nutrition Toddlers Ages 0-5 Years On POSYANDU Desa Siraman Kecamatan Kesamben Kabupaten Blitar. Scientific Paper, Program Diploma III Midwifery Blitar, College of Health Sciences Husada STIKes Patria Blitar.
Toddler Nutrition is a balance between the needs and the inclusion of nutrition in infants. Usually consumed daily that contain nutrients in the types and amounts according to the needs of the body balita.Banyak mothers who have children aged 0-5 years who are less informed about nutritional health, so it should be given counseling to change mother's knowledge to be good in nourishment.
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect Toddler Nutrition Counseling Against Capital Knowledge About Nutrition Toddlers Ages 0-5 Years On Posyandu Desa Siraman Kecamatan Kesamben Kabupaten Blitar. The study design was used with Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test techniques with methods of the group pretest-posttest design, which require a sample of 23 respondents. Instruments in this study were questionnaires and leafleat. The study was conducted on August 15, 2016 in the District Posyandu Siraman Kesamben Blitar. From this study, before health education is most respondents have enough knowledge in the provision of nutritional. After respondents increased knowledge of health education.
Based on the statistical test is p-value = 0.02, so the p value = 0.02> 0.05. Indicating a significant influence Toddler Nutrition Counseling Mothers Against Knowledge About Toddler Nutrition. Expected by providing continuous education to increase knowledge of the respondent for the better.
Keywords: Education, Knowledge, Nutrition Toddler