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Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang
2019-02-08 08:14:24 
Abstract :
Junanda Farel Lumban Tobing NIT 50134879.N, 2018, ?The Analysis of the Importance of Self Containt Breathing Apparatus to Enter Enclosed Space in MV TANTO MITRA?, Nautical Thesis, Diploma IV Program, Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic, Material Adviser (I): Yustina Sapan, S.ST,MM, Methodologi and Writing Adviser (II): Purwantono, S.Psi., M.Pd. In order for the work on board the ship to run safet and more efficiently, then in the course of the implementation the Chief Officer must know how to prevent accidents and in carrying out the work must be according to procedures to what has been carried out by the Chief Officer trough safety meetings. Besides that, safety in work is the gateway to labor?s safety. But the reason are sourced from the mechanical and human devices themselves and to prevent work accidents, these causes must be minimized and even eliminated One of the jobs that is very risky on board is entering a enclosed space. According to the latest IMO 1 July 2016 regulation stated that enclosed space is a closed space or limited space where there is no continuous for the human that enters it. This because the room can contain hydrocarbon gas, a flammable and / or toxic gases, so that it presents a risk for someone to do the work inside. In order to make it easier for researcher to find the source of the problem, the researcher used two methods, namely Fishbone diagram that would identify various potential causes of an effect or problem, and analyze the problem through a brainstorming session. Problems will be broken down into a number of related categories, including human, material, machine, and procedures so that it can identify the causes of crew problems that do not understand the use PPE, and to find out a failure that dominates into a top event of a problem sought from researcher?s issue using the Fault Tree Analysis method to find out what actions must be taken to prevent accidents from entering the enclosed space. From the result of the research that the researcher carried out, it turns out that human error, especiallu about the awareness and discipline of the crew in the use human error, especially about the awareness and discipline of the crew in the use of safety equipment when working in a enclosed space is still lacking, due to lack of knowledge, skills and understanding of work safety for each crew member. Analysis of the result of the study include the efforts made by the Captain and Chief officer to optimize the use of safety tools, anticipatory action taken against the occurrence of occupational accidents in enclosed space. Conclusion from the result of the study are that safety meeting have been carried out on board and the importance of understanding the use of safety equipment on the crew when entering enclosed space,Captain and officers should be able to improve work discipline and always supervise, admonish vessel crew who do not carry out work properly. And holding safety meetings every week regularlyso that the crew understands correctly the duties and responsibilities on board so that the consequence of workplace accidents can be anticipated. Keywords : Enclosed space, Personal protective equipment 
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Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang