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Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang
2019-02-11 00:53:31 
Abstract :
Renaldo Malakauseya , 2018, NIT : 50134995.T,? Identification of abnormality the performance of a control system a pneumatic tire on F.O purifier in MV.DK01?, minithesis of Technical Program, Diploma IV Program, Merchant Marine Polythecnic Semarang, Supervising professor I: Drs. Edy Warsopurnomo, M.M, M.Mar.E and Supervising professor II: Andri Yulianto, M.T. At this point in time the utilization of the system a pneumatic tire has been equipped by an assortment of devices controlled homing device which really a good place to the ease of control section at the south and the accuracy of the precision the use of .In this case a system of a pneumatic tire in use at the time the process of the discharge of mud often flooding the road and water .But on a ship mv.dk01 the performance of of a system of a pneumatic tire the controls damaged in part a solenoid valve .And leaving close to bowl on purifier at the foot of the a hole a spout open a continuous and make fuel used go out and make overflow Methods used is the method fishbone and fault tree analysis this chart will show an impact or consequence of a problem, with various cause.Effect or resulting listed as muzzle head.While bones of fish filled by according to approach the problem. And then dirincikan on method fault tree analysis.Fault tree analysis is the method where this method used to identify the risks involved against an onset of failure. From the results of the analysis obtained from the study. The author concludes that the damage to the pneumatic control system on the MV.DK01 vessel with the fishbone analysis method is that the Engineer cannot perform maintenance management and make improvements to the control system which makes the control system become overworked and not maintained so that it sustains damage. In the Fault Tree Analysis method the authors conclude that the damage is caused by the procedure in handling improper repairs and maintenance carried out on a ship that makes the pneumatic control system cannot last long and results in various damage and unstable performance of the system. Efforts can be made to improve the pneumatic control system on damaged vessels. Engineers on board must understand the basic concept of the pneumatic working system from the existing data in the ship such as the manual book, the maintenance report in the engine room. If it is still considered lacking machinists can get a reference from other books or can ask people in the engine room department. Increasing awareness of the importance of basic knowledge about machines and how to care for these machines. Keywords : system control pneumatic, solenoid valve, overflow 
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Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang