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Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang
2019-02-11 03:50:39 
Abstract :
Abid Gani Subandi. (50134737 N), 2017 "Evaluation of loading and unloading process in MT. Srikandi "Advisor Lecturer I: Dr. Capt. Suwiyadi, M.Pd., M.Mar.Dosen Advisor II: Dwi Prasetyo, MM., M.Mar. The background of the researcher chooses the title of the thesis "Evaluation of Avtur loading and unloading process in MT. Srikandi "because the researcher is interested in handling both loading and unloading. From some voyage conducted MT. Srikandi, researcher feel there is a need to be evaluated on the implementation of loading and unloading because there are often disputes both from the ship and from the land side due to lost (reduction of payload) and gain (additional charge). From the background of the researchers formulate the problem. 1). Preparation what is done for the process of loading and unloading avturdi MT. Srikandi.2). Is there a difference in the number of aviation loads loaded and unloaded between ship figure and shore figure. 3). What things to do when there is a difference between being dismantled and loaded. This thesis research is based on the principle of loading, understanding of tanker ship cargo operation, Pertamina Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), and load calculation for based on ASTM Table and dictionary of shipping terms. Research methods that researchers use in writing this thesis is to use descriptive quantitative methods and analysis of simple statistical data. Sources of data from this study came from the observation of handling cargo on the MT. Srikandi during the period of October 2015 until July 2016, then processed using Microsoft excel. The results showed: 1) The implementation of dismantling done in MT. Srikandi has not fulfilled the standards specified in MSDS Pertamina, 2) There is a difference of charge (lost) in the calculation of R2 in 3 voyage in the sample by researcher with percentage of lost voyage I 0.056%, voyage II 0.06% and voyage III 0.025% 3). Having known the difference in landload and the ship's side observed what made the lost happen, after seeing the return of the charter value of the land-based vessel made Letter Of Protest as not satisfaction with the ship's consistency and the ship made the Statment to apply teh satisfaction of Disperancy to defend the lost. From result of research can be concluded that at every activity of loading or unloading will always happened difference of charge. The researcher's suggestion for officers and candidates of ship officers is to study and master the science of handling the load, especially in the calculation of cargo. Because of the load calculation can know the amount of cargo and prevention of emergency conditions on the ship and achieved the safety of loading and unloading properly. Keywords: Avtur, Evaluation, Loading, and Unloading 
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Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang