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Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang
2019-01-30 05:38:23 
Abstract :
Totok tri widodo, NIT: 50134982. T (2018) ?the effect of routine care on job readiness emergency fire pump?Program Diploma IV.Merchant Marine Politechnic.Supervisor I: Drs.Darjono,M.Eng, andSupervisorII : Sri Murdiwati, S.Sos, M.Si Sailing is a risky business so that in minimizing the risk of loss every shipping company will try as efficiently as possible in the operation of its fleet in order to get the expected profit. vessels in domestic and overseas voyages shall operate in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations of the competent entity thereby ensuring the safety of lives, property and vessels. Lots of disturbances during the process of sailing, especially the fire at sea. In preventing the occurrence of fire as one of the causes of accidents on the vessel, the vessel must be equipped with fire fighting systems and equipment that are capable of effectively overcoming fire problems. However, in the event of fire usually the electricity will be extinguished because it will be more dangerous so that the main pump can not be used. Emergency fire pumps are used to overcome the above situations that are installed separately from the engine room and the installation is connected to the main installation and should be able to provide sufficient water in two strong jets into each part of the vessel wherever located. The emergency fire pump used on board the authors practice the marine using a type of centrifugal pump that can not suck itself so that in operation the vacuum pump is used at the time of fishing so that water can enter into the pump and then water in the pump for fire fighting. Emergency fire pumps driven by diesel motors must work well during fire fighting but when in operation there are unexpected disturbances that will interfere with the outage. these disorders can be prevented if care has been taken regularly and the pump is operated with the correct procedure so that the results can be used effectively and can be operated at any time. In performing emergency fire pump maintenance can be done according to working hours and schedules that have been written in the manual book. Keyword; Maintance, emergency fire pump 
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Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang