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Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang
2019-02-06 02:46:42 
Abstract :
Arva Novella Ghoibunka, 49124468.N, Unloading Cargo Handling Coal Has Been Burned in MV. DK 01 Supervisor : (1) Dr. Capt. Tri Cahyadi,M.H,M.Mar (2) Drs.Marmin,MM Implementation of the unloading of coal that has been burning required good handling and correct . Fire load should be prevented by handling cargo for on the boat, but the fires often occur during the process of demolition . On that basis the authors formulate the problem of how the process of loading the coal has been burned in the MV. DK 01 and what are the actions to be taken by the ship crew to prevent coal cargo fires . In writing this essay , the author describes the theory of handling unload coal has been burned are used in the manufacture of the research report and as a basis for solving the existing problems in the research process . Based on the results of research by the author during practice sailing on the MV. DK 01 regarding the handling of cargo unloading coal has been burned discovered the existence of problems in the implementation of the burning unloading cargo cover over the cargo handling is not exactly on board , the lack of coordination between the crew aboard the shipper regarding the nature of the charge , the charge is too old to be in hatch , less precise fire fighting coal in the hold and the less skilled crane operator . Due to the above problems during the process of unloading the coal cargo has been delayed . From the above analysis it can be concluded that the implementation of the process of loading and unloading on the ship MV. DK 01 is still often experience problems, especially during the demolition process, which is due to the lack of regular monitoring of the state of charge of coal for sailing boats and actions taken by the boat crew to avoid the charge of coal fires are still not in accordance with the provisions contained in the MSDS ship namely by using foam, carbon dioxide, dry chemical and water fog. The author's suggestion is better handling of cargo fires during the process of demolition remain guided by or in accordance with the demolition of the existing procedures on board and international rules as listed in the IMSBC, Better when it will carry out the process of loading the first implementation of a briefing or safety meeting the ship with the foreman to exchange information on measures to be taken to prevent the occurrence of fire load, so if there is a fire load, fire can be extinguished quickly and precisely. Keywords : Cargo Handling, Coal, and Burned 
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Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang