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Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang
2019-02-06 01:56:54 
Abstract :
ABSTRACT Aru Sabdono Sakti, 50134866.N, Olah Gerak Kapal Secara Aman Diperairan Es Di Sakhalin Oleh Mv Highny. Supervisor I : Capt. Bharto Ari Raharjo. Supervisor II : H.Sumarno P.S., M.M., M.Mar.E . Implementation of the movement of the ship safely in the ice, requires sufficient experience and alertness in order to avoid confusion and doubt in making decisions in processing the motion of the ship. On this basis the authors formulate the problem of how the implementation of the movement of the ship safely in the ice water sakhalin by MV. Hihgny, the vessel factors influence the movement of the safe waters in the ice sakhalin by MV.Highny and efforts made to exercise the motion safely during sailing. This observation was performed during a 4-month marine practice in MV. Hihgny. The methods used are qualitative methods, data collection techniques in the form of approaches to observational objects and data related to the preparation of ships for motion acting ice waters, communication and how to exercise good motion at the time of motion in the ice waters. Based on observations made by the author during practice screen in MV. Highlights of the movement of the ship in the ice waters in sakhalin, the existence of problems that is the lack of knowledge of the crew of the ship at the time of motion in the ice, the action of movement to avoid the danger of frost and lack of information about the ice waters can cause damage to the ship, securely MV. Highny in the ice. Discussion of the observation result is that the skipper gives an introduction to how to exercise good motion during ice motion, Selection of motion actions to avoid ice hazards, and before entering the ice waters of each vessel shall report the port of destination to Port of Shakhtyorsk In this case it is concluded that the lack of knowledge of crew members in motion exercises at the time of motion and lack of information on ice waters causes the movement of ships to be unsafe. The author's suggestion is held regularly as well as an understanding of the new crew who boarded the ship by knowing how to work the motion is good, should be on the ship always given the procedures to communicate with ice breaking service and seafarers who have never experienced winter should be held training about how to navigate on ice. Keywords: ship maneuvering, shipping preparation and communication 
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Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang