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Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang
2019-02-06 02:03:26 
Abstract :
ABSTRACT Bayu Adi Sulistyo, 2018, NIT : 50134774.N, “Improvement of Ship's Crane Maintenance to Smooth Loading and Unloading Process in MV.Bara Anugerah”, thesis of nautical study program, diploma program IV, Merchant Marine Polytechnic of Semarang, First Mentor : Capt. I Kadek Laju, S.H,. M.M,.M.Mar, Second Mentor : R.A.J Susilo Hadi Wibowo, S.IP,. M.M. Ship’s crane is a loading and unloading tool normally located in parts the middle of the ship that serves to lift the cargo from the hatch later on the move to the dock. The arm of the crane of the ship must be long enough, so it can move from hold to dock. The system used on the craneship using a steel cable mechanism (wire rope) that enters through the hoist loaded that is driven by an electric motor. Based on the results of research, the authors are interested to make a thesis with title "Improved Care of Ship's Crane to Smooth Process Unloading Load in MV. Bara Anugerah ". In carrying out the loading and unloading tools there are 2 problems faced is how the effect of ship's crane treatment to the smooth process of loading and unloading and what efforts are done to improve ship's crane maintenance for smooth unloading process load. In this study, the method used using USG method (Urgency, Seriousness, Growth) which is a method that uses methods of collecting and drawing data using observation techniques, interviews, and documentation, while the discussion of this thesis use qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. Based on the analysis that ship’s crane loading and unloading equipment cannot be carried out regularly resulting in damage on the wire crane which of course the loading or unloading process be late or disturbed. This is due to delayed delivery sparepart so the crew work is not sufficient to support the implementation maintenance of loading and unloading tools. From the results of the research can be concluded that the treatment of ship's crane very influential to the smooth process of loading and unloading for example is on wire crane, the loading and unloading equipment must be carried out properly and regularly according to schedule and procedure. Efforts made to improve ship's crane maintenance by providing guidance to the ship's crew regarding proper treatment in accordance with the procedure. Keywords: Ship's crane, loading and unloading process, improvement 
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Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang