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Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang
2019-02-06 04:00:52 
Abstract :
Chorry Imelda Siregar, 2018, 50135081 K, “Analysis of Village Original Income Management at Bajomulyo Village, Juwana Sub-districts, Pati Districts”, Mini Thesis Port and Shipping Departement, Diploma IV Program, Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic, Supervisior I: Capt. M. Suwiyadi, Mpd., M.Mar., Supervisior II: Capt. H. Moh Aziz Rohman, MM., M.Mar. Keywords: Management, Village Original Income, Development Based on Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning villages, village finance is all village rights and obligations that can be assessed with money and everything in the form of money and goods related to the implementation of village rights and obligations. Village finance comes from the original source of village income, tax sharing, and regional retribution. Referred to as Village Original Income (PADes) is an effort made by the village government to support the implementation of the Village Government in the context of implementing Village autonomy. The purpose of this research is to describe how the management of Village Original Income at Bajomulyo Village Juwana Sub-districts Pati Districts, constraints and solutions. This researcher is descriptive-qualitative, with collecting technic is interview, observation, and documentation. The analysis is done by data reduction, data presentation, and conlusion. The research subjects are village head, head of BPD, head of finance, village secretary, Technical Officer of Vilage Finance Executive (PTPKD), and citizens Bajomulyo Village Juwana Sub-districts Pati Districts. The results of this study confirm that the management of Bajomulyo Village's original income is based on the principles of transparency, accountability, participatory, and orderly and disciplined in terms of planning, budgeting, administration, reporting, accountability, and supervision. Bajomulyo Village's original revenue management constraints include transparency in the form of lack of criticism and suggestions from the community on the implementation of village development planning meetings, accountability in the form of delays in submitting accountability reports to parties who have the right to receive such as the BPD and the community, participation in the form of low involvement or community participation in the Musrenbangdes, as well as Village development, orderly and disciplined in the form of budgeting plans are not in accordance with the realization in the field and PTPKD officers do not include evidence of receipt of purchase of construction materials in the accountability report. Efforts to increase the village's original income by overcoming the obstacles in managing the village's original income. The solution to overcome the obstacles to Bajomulyo Village's original revenue management includes transparency in the form of providing a suggestion and criticism column at the end of the copy of the financial statements for the past one year period, accountability in the form of giving a warning letter or warning to PTPKD officers, participation in changing the meeting schedule which is usually done at the the day becomes nighttime, orderly and disciplined in the form of advising PTPKD officers to make a detailed list of details about planning until the implementation of the construction to be carried out in the village so that the budget used is in accordance with reality. 
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Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang