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Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang
2019-02-04 09:07:15 
Abstract :
Viqki Anaz Astono, 2018, NIT: 51145552 K, "Analysis of Handling of Dangerous Cargo at PT. Semarang Container Terminal ", thesis study program on Sea Transportation and Port Management. Diploma IV Program, Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic, Supervisor I: Dr. Winarno, S.ST., MH, Supervisor II: Sri Purwantini, S.E., S.P.d, M.Si. The process of transporting containers of dangerous cargo requires different handling from ordinary containers because containers of hazardous loads will pose dangerous risks if wrong in handling them. The purpose of this research are: 1. What obstacles occur in handling dangerous cargo. 2) How to resolve obstacles that occur in handling dangerous cargo. method used by researchers in this study is qualitative methods. This study was written descriptively which contained description from interviewees and documentation. Data collection techniques used are primary and secondary data collection. The process of collecting data through an approach to the object which had been studied using observation, interviews, and literature studies. The results of this study about handling hazardous cargo are: 1) placement of dangerous cargo containers in stacking fields which are still combined with regular cargo containers. 2) confirmation in the stacking field between the yard plan system and actual conditions in different stacking fields which cause delays in loading and unloading activities and the implementation of container arrangement has not been neatly arranged. Procedure to deal with problems that occur in handling dangerous loads, are: 1) separating dangerous cargo containers with regular cargo containers. 2) Improving the yard plan system for the accuracy of actual data on the stacking field. Based on the results of the study obtained conclusions and suggestions that the Semarang Container Terminal will do 2 (two) planning options in dealing with problems in handling hazardous loads, are 1) Long-term options, the long-term option of the Semarang Container Terminal is to build a special stacking dangerous loads . 2) The short-term option from the Semarang Container Terminal is to classify the dangerous cargo containers themselves which will be given a special zone to distinguish between hazardous cargo containers and regular cargo containers. Suggestions addressed to the Semarang Container Terminal should immediately build a special stacking field for dangerous cargo containers and also be more active in supervising the yard planner's performance to minimize errors in yard plan making. Keywords: Container, Dangerous cargo , yard plan 
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Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang