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Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang
2019-02-06 07:46:06 
Abstract :
Anang Kurniadi, 51145205.N, “Cargo Handling Analysis of loading an Excavator on MV. Spring Mas”, Nautical Departement, Diploma IV Progam , Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic, Material Adviser (I): Capt. H. Agus Subardi, M.Mar., and as methodologi and writting adviser (II): Ir. Fitri Kensiwi, M.Pd MV. Spring Mas is a container ship owned by the company PT. Tempuran Emas. MV. Spring mas is specifically designed to load containers but in the eastern Indonesia cruise contains an excavator that is loaded directly on the MV. Spring Mas. Regarding this thesis research handling excavator loads in the MV. Spring Mas there is a problem that is not loading according to procedures. The benefits of research to find out the preparation and implementation of excavator loading in the MV. Spring Mas. To find out the causes of loading is not according to the procedure and to find out what efforts are made to load the excavator according to the procedure in the MV. Spring Mas. In this thesis research, the researcher used a case study method, fishbone analysis and fault tree analysis which produced descriptive data in the form of written words from people and observed behavior. In this case collecting data in the form of approaches to objects through observation, direct interviews with subjects and using documents and data relating to handling and regulating excavator loads. Based on the results of research conducted, researchers found problems in handling excavator loads and regulating the load on the MV. Spring Mas is loading that is not according to procedures. There are several factors that will be analyzed using the fishbone analysis method and will provide an effort to be analyzed using the fault tree analysis method. For the cause study method or case study researchers conducted observations directly in the MV. Spring Mas when loading. The results of the study show that loading is not in accordance with the procedure, causing danger to the safety of the ship. The factors causing the loading were not according to procedures, the crew lacked discipline in work and lack of adequate equipment. Excavators have special handling, the cargo must use a platform container, aiming that the load does not shift when shipping in the middle of the sea. Keywords: analysis, excavator, cargo handling, loading 
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Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang