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Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang
2019-02-06 07:56:48 
Abstract :
Anugrah Pratama Aryanto, NIT: 51145275 N, ”Analysis of The Causes Factors that Inhibit of The Unloading Coal Process in MV. DK02”, The essay of study program of Diploma IV Nautical, Merchant Marine Polytechnic of Semarang. Lecturer I: Capt. H. Suherman, M.Mar, Lecturer II: Febria Surjaman, MT Bulk carrier vessel is one of large vessel who have a deck to carry unpackaged charge or bulk like coal. On the discharging place, the volume was discharged by conveyor or grab. The volume was transferred to jetty which have been prepared some truck to take it. In this case, the research was done on MV. DK02 which was discharging volume on Port of Tanjung Intan Cilacap, Central Java. Based on the above background then the authors formulate some problems, the first is what factors that cause stunted process of loading and unloading activities and the second is how to reduce the risk of inhibition of loading and unloading activities become as small as possible.There are often some delays in the discharged activity. The objectives to be achieved from the results of research conducted by author is to find out what barriers are often encountered in the process of coal bulk unloading activities and improve performance in a process of unloading in order to avoid delays. In this thesis, The research method used is qualitative research methods that regulate a research method by using several aspects such as data collection through the assessment of several sources of literature, interviews and documentation. In this case the authors make direct observations on the ship when the author performs the task of marine practice and observation at the port. The author conducts interviews with several resource persons. The author also do shooting in order to support the validity of data in writing this thesis. For the data analysis technique the author uses a fishbone methode and USG or urgency, seriousness, and growth methode. From the research results can be known and found several factors that can cause a delay in the process of coal bulk unloading activities in the Port of Tanjung Intan, among others, the presence of less skilled crane operators and lack of maintenance on unloading equipment, the environment that is not support, and poor coal quality. Based on the results of the research, the ports must be trying to provide proper skills education to the crane operators and stevedores so that the risk of delay in the process of loading and unloading activities can be minimized, in the other side the ship and the company should work together to maximize the maintenance and observation of the loading and unloading equipment on board, and then as well as to protect the cargo as much as possible so that the quality of the load is maintained, especially from environmental factors. Communication with the company is also very necessary to be able to choose a good quality load during the process of loading. Key Word: Inhibition, process, unloading, coal 
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Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang