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Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang
2019-02-07 02:58:19 
Abstract :
Edwin Harida Noviyanto, 2017, NIT: 49124349. N, ?Optimization Ships Manouvre Facing Bad Weather Voyage on Ships MV. VINCA?, essay Nautical Studies Program, Diploma Program IV, Merchant Marine Polytechnic of Semarang, Supervisor I: Capt. Agus Hadi Purwantomo, M.Mar. Supervisor II: Andy Wahyu Hermanto, M.T. The weather conditions were very difficult to ascertain, although predictable. Bad weather at sea often caused a negative impact on the sailling as an accident. Like when it was sailing from New Zealand to Japan, right on the Pacific Ocean in accordance news weather waves of the sea state is very bad due to low pressure. The waves are very high and very disturbing rate of ships mainly to the safety of the ship and its crew. So the author discusses the problems of motion exercise capability in the face of bad weather. We use the qualitative methods and resulting Descriptive data is in the form of written words of the people and observed behavior. In here we collect data like of approach to the object through observation, interviews directly to the subject as well as the use of documents and data related to efforts to improve the ability of manoeuvre in bad weather during the writer practice on board.. Based on the results of research by the author during practice at the MV. Vinca about optimization navigation ship in bad weather, the problems are lack of knowledge of the crew in working out the motion when the weather is bad and if the drill will face bad weather that caused differences in skill crew. Discussion of research result is Master giving guidance periodically to his Officer to know the best way how to move the process vessel in bad weather, know about her character and ability of the ship, as well as the ship was able to be processed motion without causing harm or damage. In this case of lack of training or drill if it is going to face the bad weather that caused the decline crew skills, efforts made by the Master is giving direction and verbal or written warning to the crew who violate. Thus concluded a lack of knowledge of the crew in processing the manouvre of ships in bad weather and lack of training if it is going to face the bad weather that caused differences crew skills. The author?s suggestion is held briefings on a regular basis as well as an understanding of the crew to know the best way how to cultivate the movement of ships and should be on board carried out an exercise or drill on a regular basis to keep the skills of the crew, to be held briefing beforehand, and give warning verbally and in writing the crew were violated. Key word: Optimization, navigation, bad weather 
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Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang