Perhitungan Produktivitas yang berkaitan dengan Kesesuaian Upah Tenaga Kerja pada Proyek Rehabilitasi Gedung Lattamahosadi Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar
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Politeknik Negeri Bali
Putra, I Kadek Angga Dwi Prasetya
Sudiarta, I Komang
Sumardika, Anak Agung Ngurah Roy
Bidang Teknik Sipil Lain Yang Belum Tercantum 
2022-09-16 13:46:41 
Abstract :
The productivity of each worker is very influential on the provision of wages for workers, because each project of course has a target that is achieved every day, week and month which is set in the time schedule, if work productivity decreases, of course it will have an impact on the completion of work targets. The thing that often causes this to happen is the mismatch of wages received by workers related to soft skills and hard skills The data obtained are data from the work process carried out from each work item, achievement data that can be achieved from the workforce in working on these work items, then the data is processed to obtain productivity data which will be associated with labor wages. Keywords: Labor Productivity, Labor Wages, Bitumen 
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Politeknik Negeri Bali