Identifikasi Risiko pada Masa Pra-Konstruksi di Proyek Bangunan Tinggi, Studi Kasus Proyek Apartemen Aerium di Taman Permata Buana
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Universitas Agung Podomoro
Tampubolon, Joshua Evander Hasian
Construction Engineering and Management 
2020-10-06 05:14:19 
Abstract :
With so many high-rise construction projects in Indonesia, there are also more opportunities for additional costs. One example of the impact is the risk of additional costs. By identifying risks, every opportunity for risk will be avoided. The initial stage or pre-construction of high-rise buildings has the opportunity to create constraints that cause risk. Opportunities for constraints on pre-construction projects can affect the entire project. Because the project will run well if every obstacle in the pre-construction period can be well controlled. Therefore, this activity is important because everything that will happen during the project implementation period must be anticipated during the pre-construction period. So that the identification of risks in the pre construction period in high-rise buildings is an important activity in order to prepare for further risk management and to prepare the handling of project risk opportunities in the next construction phase. The method used in identifying risks is to use the examples contained in PMBOK 2013 as a basic reference in obtaining a list of risks. Obtaining the risk list obtained is the opinion of the parties in the project, namely the contractor, consultant and project owner. The results of this study in the form of risk factors that occur during pre-construction and the level of risk of each factor according to the informants. Further discussion is needed regarding the risk factor variables in the pre-construction period in high buildings. 
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Universitas Agung Podomoro