Abstract :
The title of this research is ?Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Loyalitas Karyawan Pada PT. Reed Panorama Exhibitions? The purpose of this research is to find out whether workplace is going to impact employee loyalty at PT. Reed Panorama Exhibitions or not. The main focus is to know which kind of workplace factor is having the largest impact at Meeting, Incentives, Convention, and Exhibitions (MICE) business industry such as physical workplace or non-physical workplace. This article is using quantitative methodology with final project format. This research is using descriptive quantitative for it?s analysis from 59 respondents which are the employees of PT. Reed Panorama Exhibition. The findings in this article are (a) physical workplace factor have an impact to employee loyalty, (b) non-physical workplace factor have an impact to employee loyalty, (c) from all workplace factor, non-physical workplace have the greatest impact to employee loyalty. The main implication of this article regarding PT. Reed Panorama Exhibitions to be focused on is the relationship between employee and supervisor/manager. That aspects could be used for further research on PT. Reed Panorama Exhibitions.