Abstract :
This papers are to inform for all the readers out there that in this final project repots aims to find out how to improve the business models of ?Lim-Nut? Brown Sugar. The business development strategy through Five Porter?s analysis and also through Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threat (SWOT) analysis. Industry analysis, competition analysis, and consumer needs analysis are also include on making some of standart in operations, marketing, and financial plans for running the venture value. All the results that have came based on all the theory that has been used in this analysis are needs to be listed as a business development strategy for the perfect Key Perfomance Indicator (KPI). This final project report are uses descriptive methods. At the end, from the report results in this papers have made of bunch of conclusion of this final project for has been made capable of increasing brand awareness to announce public market. Hope this may help others to learn also about how to design and build their own business project for the good sake of the future.