Abstract :
With current developments, competition in between hotels are getting tighter which trigerring price war in between hotels and third party as a brooker throughout the sales bidding process. Problems that the hotel face are there are a lot of rejections in the sales bidding process that are still unknown and the actions needed taken from XYZ. And the purpose of this research are to identify the decissions factor that causes rejection in the sales bidding process in the result of the pitching process which can also be known as one of the sales bidding process in order to be used as a reference for XYZ Hotel in submitting the sales bidding.
The methodology used are descriptive qualitative with interview as a collecting data method. The result of this research will show how many factors that causes lost in sales bidding process due to insufficient budget of the end user?s that are below room rates which causes end user to cancel their stay or functions in XYZ Hotel. Other identified factor is the limited room type inventory which in this case is the lack of twin bed inventory which XYZ Hotel cannot provide.
Other than that, there are an external factor concerning in the decission making process of the client which is began to appear new destinations from overseas that offers a similiar benefits to what Bali has to offer resulting in a tighter competition in choosing destination.