Pengaruh Fasilitas Laboratorium Dapur Utama & Dapur Pastry Perhotelan Terhadap Kesiapan Praktir Kerja Pada Mahasiswa Program Studi Hotel Bisnis Di Universitas Agung Podomoro Total View This Week0
Universitas Agung Podomoro
Mandasari, Rika
Hotel Business
2020-10-05 02:12:03
Abstract :
This study is to analyze the effect of f&b (kitchen & pastry) laboratory on the readiness of internships. The method used is quantitative correlation method. The population used was Hotel Business study program student at Agung Podomoro University around 100 people who were taken using the simple random sampling and slovin sampling technique through questionnaires . Using SmartPLS calculation, using coefficient determination (R-Square), path coefficient and hypothesis analysis, the results show that the F&B kitchen and pastry laboratorium are good enough according to hotel standard, there is effect of F&B kitchen and pastry laboratorium by Hotel Business Program at Podomoro University on the readiness of internship because the students can gain a good knowledge by having a good facilities.