Abstract :
Concert Hall with international standard has a few requirement at the design,
such as, it always using all of the site for function, so it?s rarely only have one
function in the whole area, beside from making the area becoming more lively,
it?s have a few other things that people rarely realizing their present, like for
example mix used function area, waiting and outdoor area that can be used
properly, the way architect find the site for concert hall, etc. With a site that get
revitalitation which is in Djakarta Theater that have 18.455m
, it get enough
space for all function that need to be in this area. Which a Cultural Approach that
used for the design it will be used to be an exterior and becoming an icon. With
Indonesia?s traditional culture that will be seen at first for user it can be used for
introduce to millennials in Indonesia or tourist that come to know our own
culture. For designing all off the site, author using three type of methods, such as
quantitative, qualitative, and using a presedent for finding all the issues that
concert hall has all this time, also finding a solution from theory and apply it on
the design, also finding the right material and a right shape from calculating the
reverberation time and material absorption for the concert hall itself. Last of all,
this site with always support the surrounding area to be grown and becoming a
better place around Thamrin