Abstract :
Jakarta is one of developing cities especially in construction industry. In 2015,
government have granted 14.969 building permits. As the result of the growth in
the construction industry, number of workers are inevitably increase as well.
Construction areas are closely associated with temperature, humidity and worker
productivity. Based on the latest data shown in BPS 2015 until 2016, Jakarta as
capital city of Indonesia have tropical climate and average temperature are most
likely 28ºC with average humidity of 74%, and after that, total of construction
workers has been increased up to 10.12% until now. In addition, according to
previous research in Hongkong, temperature can highly affect productivity of
construction workers. The following research aims to determine the impact of
temperature and humidity to the productivities of construction workers in Jakarta.
There are few methods of analysis used in this research including correlation
analysis, linear regression, and multivariant. The main objective is to learn the
relations between temperature, humidity and brick worker productivity. Correlation
is obtained by viewing the result of the correlation coefficient value (r). If the
correlation coefficient value is near to 1 or -1 it means variable (X) and (Y) are
related. The work of brick masonry can be divided into three parts which are top,
middle, and bottom. Each correlation graph generates an equation and a correlation
coefficient. Graph correlation of temperature vs productivity, top (r) 0,1565; middle
(r) 0,0024; and bottom (r) -0,2615. Graph correlation of humidity vs productivity
top (r) -0,0959; middle (r)-0,0406; and bottom (r) 0,2932. Linear regression analysis
provides an equation that generates a line on a correlation graph. Multivariant
graphs purposes are to prove and verify if temperature and humidity are correlated
to brick masonry productivity. As the result, multivariant three analytical values of
brick masonry workers productivity are; top (R) 0,16; middle (R) 0,04; and bottom
(R) 0,35. Based on the result above, there is certainly no correlation between
temperature and humidity to brick masonry worker productivity.