Abstract :
Nowadays people need entertainment, including traveling, because they can release fatigue and can meet new things with tourism, and also tourism can also make us learn by visiting museums or historical places. We can take our relatives, friends and relatives on vacation and enjoy the beauty of the tour and at the present time we can easily travel by using motorcycle taxi online because we have many fleets including using motorbikes and cars and we can order them through an application called GOJEK. The high level of crime and congestion in the city especially Jakarta, makes people should choose a public transport which are fast, safe, convenient and inexpensive because the government has not been able to create a viable public transportation. Presence-based applications or motorcycle online named GO-JEK greatly facilitate the people in Indonesia of choosing a mode of transportation. The majority of respondents agree with every aspect of the criteria contained in an effective and efficient transportation that is: speed, safety, capacity, frequency, regularity, comprehensiveness, responsibility, acceptable cost and comfort. GO-JEK is one of transport services are highly effective and efficiently used to solve traffic congestion in Jakarta. The population of the service area of the GO-JEK in Indonesia as much as 51.5% have downloaded the application GO-JEK, so that the position mode of transportation motorcycle online (GO-JEK) already take most people's hearts.