Perancangan Ulang Pelabuhan Wisata Kali Adem di Jakarta Utara Dengan Pendekatan Placemaking dan Sense of Place
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Universitas Agung Podomoro
Putra, Kevin Suryadi
2020-05-13 10:08:17 
Abstract :
Kali Adem Port is one of the tourist ports to Pulau Seribu that has high passenger intensity, over time the condition of the existing port is increasingly irrelevant with the increasing number of visitors each year. The existing port design is also not optimal in implementing community participation. The redesign concept of Kali Adem Port applies the theme "sense of place" and "placemaking" to address the problems experienced by existing buildings. Sense of place that facilitates community activities to help develop aspects of tourism and the economy of the community itself into the port site which also makes the port has its own characteristics, Placemaking which helps accessibility both the main access to transportation and circulation on the site as well as to open site access to the environment around it as connectivity that develops aspects of one another 
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Universitas Agung Podomoro