Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bangka Belitung
Peby, Fitriani
Ahmad, Nazopi
Rizky, Irmansyah
TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery
2021-09-09 04:43:30
Abstract :
Squid egg chips (keritcu) is a typical food of Bangka Belitung from processed squid
eggs. Many small industries are found in Bangka Belitung, where the
manufacturing process is done manually by the twist so it requires time, energy and
is very ineffective. Making keritcu forming machine will be very helpful in the
process of forming keritcu, with a time of ± 3 seconds / item. The methodology
working on the final project is that the product which is still in the form of dough
will be entered into the forming machine that uses a Continous Variable Extrusion
(CVE) system and produces imperfect curly shape output (long with two sharp
edges), because the dough comes out continuously and is not cut off as it should be
Keywords: Keritcu, 3detic / grain formation, CVE,