Abstract :
Rupture perineum dapat terjadi hampir pada semua persalinan. Rupture perineum tidak membahayakan tetapi apabila masalah ini tidak mendapat penanganan yang baik dapat menyebabkan perdarahan, infeksi, sehingga dapat mengakibatkan kematian pada ibu. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh posisi meneran terhadap kejadian rupture perineum pada ibu bersalin. Desain pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode Quasy Eskperimen dengan pendekatan Static Group Comparation. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua ibu bersalin di PMB Wartini Bantur Kabupaten Malang pada 22 Oktober – 28 Desember 2018. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sejumlah 16 responden dan pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik Purposive Sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar observasi dan lembar Standart Operasional Prosedur (SOP). Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan dari 16 responden ibu bersalin setengahnya (50%) sebanyak 8 responden diberikan posisi meneran setengah duduk dan seluruhnya (50%) mengalami rupture perineum. Kelompok kontrol yang tidak diberi posisi meneran setengah duduk sebanyak 8 responden hampir setengahnya (37,5%) tidak mengalami rupture perineum dan sebagian kecil (12,5%) mengalami rupture perineum. Hasil penelitian ini dianalisis menggunakan uji Chi Square dan didapatkan nilai Ï=0.003, karena p value<0,05 maka Ha diterima yang artinya ada pengaruh posisi meneran terhadap kejadian rupture perineum. Dapat memberikan pengetahuan baru pada responden tentang pengaruh posisi meneran setengah duduk terhadap kejadian rupture perineum.
Kata kunci: Posisi meneran, rupture perineum
Perineal rupture can occur in almost all deliveries. Rupture perineum is not harmful but if this problem does not get good treatment it can cause bleeding, infection, so that it can lead to death in the mother. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the penetrating position on the incidence of perineal rupture in maternity. This study uses the Quasy Eskperimen method with the Static Group Comparation approach. The population in this study were all mothers giving birth at PMB Wartini Bantur Malang Regency in October-December 2018. The samples in this study were 16 respondents and sampling used purposive sampling technique. Data collection uses observation sheets and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) sheets. The results of this study were obtained from 16 respondents half of the maternity mothers (50%) as many as 8 respondents were given a half-seated position and all (50%) had perineal rupture. The control group that was not given a position of half sitting as many as 8 respondents, almost half (37.5%) did not experience perineal rupture and a small percentage (12.5%) had perineal rupture. The results of this study were analyzed using the Chi Square test and the value of Ï = 0.003 was obtained, because p value <0.05 then Ha was accepted which means that there is an influence on the position of the perineal rupture. It is hoped that the results of this study can help all mothers to choose a penetrating position so that it can reduce the risk of perineal rupture.
Keywords: Imposing position, perineal rupture