“Pengaruh Senam Hamil (Pregnancy Exercises) Terhadap Kejadian Konstipasi Pada Ibu Hamil Di PMB Mintiasih Poncokusumo Malang
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Politeknik Kesehatan RS Dr Soepraoen Kesdam V
Putri, Yurissa Adela
2019-07-11 06:21:02 
Abstract :
ABSTRAK Konstipasi atau sembelit merupakan penyakit karena hambatan pengeluaran sisa-sisa makanan yang berkaitan dengan kesulitanbuang air besar akibat tinja yang keras disertai dengan nyeri perut. Pada kehamilan konstipasi atau sembelit diakibatkan karenameningkatnya hormon-hormon tertentu seperti progesterone yang kemudian membuat syaraf pembuangan bekerja lebih lambat dari kondisi normalnya. Konstipasi merupakan gejala defekasi tidak memuaskan, ditandai dengan , BAB kurang dari 3X seminggu atau kesulitan evakuasi feses akibatnya feses keras. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh senam hamil (pregnancy exercises) terhadap kejadian konstipasi pada ibu hamil di PBM Mintiasih Poncokusumo. Penelitian menggunakan metode Quasi eksperimen dengan pendekatan non-equivalen grup desin. Teknik pengambilan 10 sampel menggunakan Purposive Sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar wawancara. Hasil penelitian menggunakan Mann-Whitney Test. Hasil uji penelitian dianalisis di dapatkan data bahwa nilai Asymp.Sig (2-sided) sebesar 0,019. Disimpulkan terdapat pengaruh senam hamil (pregnancy exercises) terhadap kejadian konstipasi pada ibu hamil. Disarankan bagi ibu hamil untuk senam hamil (pregnancy exercises) dalam mengurangi kejadian konstipasi pada ibu hamil. Kata Kunci : Konstipasi, Senam Hamil (Pregnancy Exercises), Ibu Hamil ABSTRACT Constipation or constipation is a disease because of barriers to spending food scraps related to difficulty in defecation due to hard stool accompanied by abdominal pain. In pregnancy constipation or constipation is caused by the increase in certain hormones such as progesterone which then makes the discharge nerve work slower than normal conditions. Constipation is a symptom of unsatisfactory defecation, characterized by defecation less than 3 times a week or difficulty in evacuation of stool as a result of hard stools. This study aims to determine the effect of pregnancy exercises on the incidence of constipation in pregnant women at PBM Mintiasih Poncokusumo. The study used the Quasi-experimental method with a non-equivalent approach to the desin group. This study aims to analyze the effect of Pregnancy Exercises on the incidence of constipation in pregnant women at Mintiasih Poncokusumo PBM Malang. The technique of taking 10 samples using Purposive Sampling. Data collection using interview sheets. The results of the study used Mann-Whitney Test. The results of the research test were analyzed in getting the data that the Asymp.Sig (2-sided) value was 0.019. It was concluded that there was an effect of pregnancy exercises on the incidence of constipation in pregnant women. It is recommended for pregnant women to get pregnancy exercises to reduce the incidence of constipation in pregnant women. Keywords: Constipation, Pregnancy Exercises, Pregnant Women 
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Politeknik Kesehatan RS Dr Soepraoen Kesdam V