Abstract :
Hemoroid adalah keluarnya vena dari anus (dubur) pada saat buang air besar, disebabkan oleh pembengkakan vena dibagian rectum, baik disebelah dalam maupun disebelah luar lubang dubur. Sala satu sikap untuk mencegah kekambuhan hemoroid yaitu hindari aktivitas yang berat yang menyebabkan tahanan pada vena hemoroid dan tekanan yang berlebih didaerah anus. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan dengan sikap tentang pencegahan kekambuhan hemoroid di Yonif Para Raider 503/MK.
Desain penelitian ini menggunakan korelasi. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh prajurit TNI anggota Yonif Para Raider 503/MK yang mengalami hemoroid. Teknik sampling menggunakan total sampling berjumlah 35 orang. Variabel yang diteliti adalah variabel independen pengetahuan pencegahan kekambuhan hemoroid, variabel dependen sikap pencegahan hemoroid.
Berdasarkan hasil tabulasi silang antara pengetahuan dengan sikap prajurit TNI tentang pencegahan kekambuhan hemoroid didapatkan hasil hampir setengah responden berpengetahuan kurang dan sikap cukup sebanyak 14 orang (40%), sebagian kecil berpengetahuan baik dan sikap cukup sebanyak 1 orang (2,8%) sebagian kecil berpengetahuan kurang dan bersikap kurang sebanyak 1 orang (2,8%).
Berdasarkan hasil yang didapat dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengetahuan terjadi setelah orang melakukan penginderaan terhadap objek tertentu yang diperoleh dari proses belajar yang membentuk keyakinan sehingga bersikap sesuai dengan keyakinan tersebut.
Kata kunci : Pengetahuan hemoroid, Sikap pencegahan kekambuhan hemoroid.
Hemoroid is a conditions where the vein is get a discharge from the anus (rectum) when the people had a defecate, it causes is by the swelling of the vein in rectum, even in inside or outside of the anal hole. One of many ways to be preventing of hemoroid reccurence is to avoid a heavy activity that can be causes the resistance to the hemorrhoidal vein and excessive pressure in the area of the rectum.The purpose of this study was to find out the correlation between knowledge and attitudes of TNI soldiers about preventing hemorrhoidal recurrence in Yonif Para Raider 503 / MK.
The design of this study uses correlation. Population were all TNI soldiers who were members of the 503/MK Para Raider Infantry Battalion who had hemorrhoids. Sampling technique uses total sampling totaling 35 people. The independent variables was knowledge on prevention of hemorrhoidal recurrence and the dependent variable was attitude of preventing hemorrhoids.
Based on the results of cross tabulation between knowledge and attitudes of TNI soldiers about prevention of hemorrhoidal recurrence, it was found that almost half of the respondents lacked knowledge and enough attitudes as many as 14 people (40%), a small percentage were well-informed and enough attitudes were 1 person (2.8%) less knowledgeable and less attitude as much as 1 person (2.8%).
Based on the results obtained it can be concluded that knowledge occurs after people do sensing certain objects obtained from the learning process that forms beliefs so that they behave according to that belief.
Keywords: Knowledge of hemorrhoid, attitude of recurrence hemorrhoids.