Politeknik Kesehatan RS Dr Soepraoen Kesdam V
Ambarwati, Novia Luky
RC666 Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system
2019-09-17 03:47:02
Abstract :
Kontrasepsi suntik mempunyai efek samping seperti perubahan tekanan darah. Buah Mengkudu (Morinda Citrifolia) dapat menurunkan tekanan darah karena kandungan bahan aktif scopoletin dengan adanya efek spasmolitik yaitu efek yang serupa dengan cara kerja obat antihipertensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh pemberian air rebusan buah mengkudu (Morinda Citrifolia) terhadap penurunan tekanan darah pada akseptor kontrasepsi suntik 3 bulan. Penelitian dilaksanakan bulan November 2018. Desain penelitian menggunakan pre-eksperimen. Teknik sampling Purposive Sampling. Sampel sebanyak 14 responden. Berdasarkan hasil sebelum diberikan air rebusan buah mengkudu hampir setengahnya (35,8%) yaitu 5 responden mengalami hipertensi sedang dan sebagian besar (64,2%) 9 responden mengalami hipertensi ringan dan setelah diberikan air rebusan buah mengkudu sebagian kecil (14,2%) 2 responden mengalami hipertensi ringan dan sedang, sebagian besar (85,8%) 12 responden mengalami tekanan darah normal. Pengambilan data dengan observasi, uji analisis Uji Paired T-test. Hasil menunjukkan 0,000 (p<0,05) terdapat perubahan bermakna antara sebelum dan setelah yang artinya Ha diterima yaitu ada pengaruh pemberian air rebusan buah mengkudu (Morinda Citrifolia) terhadap penurunan tekanan darah pada akseptor kontrasepsi suntik 3 bulan. Tekanan darah pada kelompok perlakuan setelah intervensi air rebusan buah mengkudu mengalami penurunan tekanan darah. Diharapkan air rebusan buah mengkudu dapat dijadikan alternatif untuk menurunkan tekanan darah.
Kata Kunci: air rebusan buah mengkudu (Morinda Citrifolia), kontrasepsi suntik DMPA
The use of contraception that is widely used by mothers is injection contraception. Blood pressure is a very important factor in the circulatory system. Fruit Noni (Morinda Citrifolia) can reduce blood pressure because the content of active ingredients including scopoletin can reduce peripheral resistance. This study aims to determine the effect of noni cooking water on the reduction of blood pressure in 3 months injection contraceptive acceptors. The study conducted in November 2018. Design used pre-experiment. Purposive sampling technique. A sample of 14 respondents. Based on the results established before given boiled water fruit noni almost (35,8%) is 5 respondents experience hypertension was and most of the (64,2%) 9 respondents experience hypertension light and after given boiled water fruit noni a fraction (14,2%) 2 respondents experience hypertension light and was, as well as (85,8%) 12 respondents experience blood pressure normal. The results data analysis of the Paired T-test, obtained t count = 4.163 with a significant value showing the results of 0,000 (p <0.05) which means Ha is accepted, namely there is the effect of giving noni (Morinda Citrifolia) cooking water to the reduction of blood pressure in 3 months injection contraceptive acceptors. Blood pressure in the treatment group after the intervention of Fruit Noni cooking water has decreased blood pressure. Expected boiled water fruit noni can be used as an alternative to lower blood pressure.
Keywords: noni fruit water (Morinda Citrifolia) decoction, DMPA injection contraception