Abstract :
The crime of murder is currently increasingly happening in indonesia with various modes and methodsbcarried out by murders . Among the many cases that haveaccurred as the perpetrators tried to aliminate traces and evidence so as not to revdealtheir actions meanwhile, the authorities in handling the case are police officers, they collect, as evidence indications and informations and informations from various parties that may be able to help investigate the case one of the effots made is to use fingerprints. Based on the description above, the problems taken in the writing of this thesis are how do the func tions of fingerprinting(dactyloscopy). For investigators of criminal cases of murder or sacondly in the inhibiting factor for investigators in revealing criminal acts of murder by using fingerprinting aids (dactiyloscopy). Based on thevresults of research and discussion, it can be concludeddactyloscopy plays an importantrole in the process of investigation in the murmer proses.