Abstract :
Muhammad Fathul Arifin. NIM. 173020203. Analysis of the Values of Surah Al?Fatihah in Forming the Character of Educators (Overview of Ibn Kathir's Tafsir).
Raden Fatah State Islamic University, Palembang. Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher
Training. Islamic education study program. Surah al-Fatihah is the mother of the
Qur?an, in which there are many values that are useful for shaping the character of
educators, especially in the study of surah al-Fatihah which is contained in Ibn
Kathir's tafsir book. The value of character education which is the reference in this
study is taken from the eighteen values of character education compiled by the Ministry
of National Education and combined with the nine pillars of character compiled by
Ratna Megawangi as the initiator of character education in Indonesia.
This research aims to determine the values contained in surah al-Fatihah in the
study of Ibn Katsir's interpretation, to find out what character values in surah al?Fatihah are needed by educators, and to determine the relevance of the values
contained in surah al- Fatihah on the study of Ibn Kathir's interpretation with the
formation of educator character. This type of research is library research, and uses a
qualitative descriptive approach. The primary source of this research is Ibn Kathir's
commentary book, while the secondary source uses books on character education. The
data analysis method uses content analysis, which is to analyze the values implied in
surah al-Fatihah in Ibn Katsir's study of interpretation which aims to shape the
character of educators.
From the results of the research conducted, there are sixteen values of character
education implied in surah al-Fatihah in the study of Ibn Kathir's interpretation,
including: religious character values, tolerance, compassion, responsibility, fairness,
generosity, caring, leadership spirit, honesty, discipline, independent, polite, helpful,
curiosity, and respect for achievement. These values will be associated with the
formation of educator character. Educators must also master the values of character
education so that these values can be channeled and instilled in students.