Abstract :
The objectives of the study were to find out whether or not (1) there was
significant correlation between personality traits and English achievement, (2)
personality traits infuenced to English achievement. The population (N=415) of
the study was the eleventh grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Palembang
in academic year 2016/2017. Simple random sampling was used in which 25% of
each group was taken as sample. The data were collected by using ready-made
IPIP Bigfive questionnaire and TOEFL Junior. The result of questionnaire showed
41 (37%) agreeableness, 26 (23%) conscientiousness, 22 (19%) openness to
experience, 13 (12%) extraversion, and 10 (9%) emotional stability. The result of
the students? English achievement showed 63 students in poor level, 30 students
in average level, 6 students in good level, and 2 students in very good level. The
analysis was found out that there was no significant correlation between
personality traits and English achievement (N=101). The Correlation Coefficient
was 0.088 (robtained = .088 < rtable= .1956) at (p) 0.381 > 0.05 (sig-2 tailed).
However, further problem using the regression analysis was not analyzed.