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Sekolah Tinggi Farmasi Indonesia Bandung
Vina Tursina, -
R Medicine (General) 
2019-08-23 07:15:58 
Abstract :
Kefir merupakan minuman probiotik yang juga berkhasiat sebagai antioksidan. Salah satu sumber alam yang berkhasiat sebagai antioksidan adalah kulit buah naga merah (Hylocereus polyrhizus). Kulit buah naga merah mengandung senyawa aktif berperan dalam menangkal radikal bebas. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk meningkatkan kadar antioksidan dan menentukan nilai kandungan kimia kefir susu kambing dengan penambahan variasi konsentrasi ekstrak kulit buah naga merah. Pengujian aktivitas antioksidan dengan metode DPPH, kadar protein dengan metode Kjeldahl, kadar lemak dengan metode ekstraksi dan kadar asam laktat dengan titrasi potensiometri. Hasil penelitian menunjukan IC50 kefir susu kambing 54,88 ppm, IC50 kulit buah naga 19,96 ppm, IC50 kefir susu kambing dengan ekstrak kulit buah naga 0,002% 48,13 ppm, IC50 kefir dengan ekstrak kulit buah naga 0,1% 33,46 ppm, kefir dengan ekstrak kulit buah naga 0,2% 22,21 ppm. Pengujian kandungan kimia kefir susu kambing dipilih ekstrak kulit buah naga dengan konsentrasi 0,2%. kadar lemak kefir susu kambing 8,64 %, kadar lemak dengan ekstrak 8,07%, kadar protein kefir susu kambing 5,79%, kadar protein kefir dengan ekstrak 7,16%, Kadar asam laktat kefir susu kambing 0,932%, kadar kefir dengan ekstrak 0,858%, pH kefir susu kambing 4,68, pH kefir dengan ekstrak 4,70. Hasil penelitian ini meningkatkan aktivitas antioksidan dan nilai kandungan kimia masih memenuhi persyaratan.:---Kefir is a probiotic product that is also efficacious as an antioxidant. One natural resource that is efficacious as an antioxidant is red dragon fruit peel (Hylocereus polyrhizus). Red dragon fruit peel contains active compounds play a role in counteracted free radicals. The purpose of this study was to increased antioxidant levels and determine the value of the chemical content of goat milk kefir by added variations in the concentration of red dragon fruit peel extract. Tested of antioxidant activity with the DPPH method, protein content with the Kjeldahl method, fat content by extraction method and lactic acid levels with potentiometric titration. The results showed IC50 kefir of goat milk 54.88 ppm, IC50 dragon fruit skin 19.96 ppm, IC50 kefir of goat's milk with dragon fruit peel extract 0.002% 48.13 ppm, IC50 kefir with dragon fruit peel extract 0.1% 33, 46 ppm, kefir with dragon fruit peel extract 0.2% 22.21 ppm. Tested of the chemical content of goat milk kefir was chosen for dragon fruit peel extract with a concentration of 0.2%. goat milk kefir levels 8.64%, fat content with 8.07% extract, goat milk protein kefir levels 5.79%, kefir protein levels with extract 7.16%, lactic acid goat milk kefir 0.932%, kefir content with extract of 0.858%, pH of kefir of goat's milk 4.68, pH of kefir with extract 4.70. The results of the study increased antioxidants and the value of the chemical content still met the requirements of CODEX STAN 243 - 2003. 
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Sekolah Tinggi Farmasi Indonesia Bandung