Sekolah Tinggi Farmasi Indonesia Bandung
RS Pharmacy and materia medica
2019-09-20 07:18:48
Abstract :
Isolat metil sinamat merupakan komponen terbesar di dalam rimpang lengkuas. Metil sinamat memiliki potensi sebagai antimikroba. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui nilai LD50 serta melihat efeknya terhadap histologi organ hati, lambung dan ginjal. Pada penelitian ini mencit diberi isolat metil sinamat secara oral dengan menggunakan metode OECD 425 Up and Down Procedure, dosis yang diberikan yaitu 5000 mg/kg BB mencit PO. Selanjutnya mencit diamati tanda-tanda toksisitas nya dalam pengamatan jangka pendek (48 jam) serta pengamatan jangka panjang (14 hari) untuk selanjutnya mencit di bedah dan diambil organnya lalu dibuat preparat. Hasil yang didapat nilai LD50 metil sinamat lengkuas yaitu 5000 mg/kg BB mencit yang menunjukkan bahwa isolat metil sinamat lengkuas termasuk ke dalam golongan praktis tidak toksik. Hal ini didukung oleh hasil rata-rata skoring histopatologi organ yang menunjukkan pemberian metil sinamat tidak berpengaruh terhadap organ hati, lambung dan ginjal mencit uji.;---Methyl cinnamate isolate is the largest component in the rhizome of galangal. Methyl cinnamate has the potential as antimicrobial. The purpose of this research is to know the value of LD50 and see its effect on histology of liver, stomach and kidney organs. In this study, it was given an oral isolates of methyl cinnamate isolate using the OECD method 425 Up and Down Procedure, the administered dose is 5000 mg/kg bw PO. Further mice observed signs of his toxicity in short- term observations (48 hours) as well as long-term observations (14 days) to further squeak in the surgery and taken the organ then made preparations. Results obtained by the value of LD50 methyl cinnamate isolate is 5000 mg/kg bw PO indicating that the methyl cinnamate isolates of the galangal is included in the practical class is not toxic. It is supported by the average results of the scoring histopathology of organ which demonstrates the administration of methyl cinnamic has no effect on the liver, stomach and kidney mice test.