Proses Pembentukan Subjek Parrhesiast Tokoh Dan Penokohan Jacques Pangemanann Dalam Roman Rumah Kaca Karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer
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BAY, Selsus Juliano Neu
PN Literature (General) 
2021-10-04 03:32:27 
Abstract :
This research purposes to describe the process of forming a parrhesiast subject figures and characterizations Jacques Pangemanann in the Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s romance Rumah Kaca. The method that was used in this research was descriptive qualitative. The object that was researched was the formation of parrhesiast subject figures and characterizations Jacques Pangemanann in the Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s romance Rumah Kaca. The shape of the data in this research was a sentences that was met in the romance. The source of the main data in this research was the Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s Rumah Kaca. Wherras the source of the secondary data was Michel Foucault’s book about parrhesia and the previous research, especially the literature research with parrhesia analysis. Data collection techniques that used were non interactive techniques, which include content analysis against the document and the archives. Step that was used in the technique content analysis was followed in a first manner, read the romance Rumah Kaca repeatedly. Secondly, gathered and studied several theories that were relevant with the theme of the research. Thirdly, criticised and analyzed all datas. As for the analysis techniques of the data that was used was the flow the model of analysis. Technically the analysis of the data with the flowed model was begun from datacollection, the reduction of the data and the display of the data and make a conclusion. While the validity of the data techniques used was the triangulation technique. Triangulation of the data was the data from primary sources, namely the romance Rumah Kaca and supported by several oopinions written on a variety of texts related to the study of parrhesia and Michel Foucault’s book. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the character and characterization of Jacques Pangemanann in the Rumah Kaca romance by Pramoedya Ananta Toer is in accordance with Michel Foucault's concept of parrhesia. Jacques Pangemanann is the person who answers the first question, who is telling the truth. Because Pangemanann is the main character in this romance. All story telling centered on Pangemanann. His lifestyle, relationships, inner struggles and habits are narrated in most of the romance. His habit of thinking is poured in written form. This answers the question of how to tell the truth. As an intellectual who has a good educational background, Pangemanann uses writing as a distribution of truth. Pangemanann always struggles with his mind. He likes living side by side with humans, being with humans, and working together for humanity itself. Pangemanann as an indigenous educator also respected Minke, the number one colonial target that had to be frozen. This answers the question why tell the truth. However, his status as a colonial official made him contradict his conscience. He no longer works for humanity, but for a career and for a good night's sleep of gubermen. This contradiction with his conscience led Pangemanann to a deep examination of mind. In this inner examination, Pangemanann blamed himself for not listening to his conscience. In the end, Pangemanann realized and admitted his mistake. 
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