Abstract :
Kelengkapan dokumen rekam medis khususnya formulir resume medis merupakan salah satu mutu dalam pelayanan medis di rumah sakit. Untuk mencerminkan mutu pelayanan medis, lengkap tidaknya rekam medis akan menggambarkan baik buruknya mutu pelayanan medis di rumah sakit tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelengkapan pengisian dokumen rekam medis khususnya formulir resume medis rawat inap tahun 2019 guna persiapan akreditasi SNARS di RSUD Besuki-Situbondo. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan fokus pada formulir resume medis pasien rawat inap di RSUD Besuki. Data yang diperoleh dari penelitian menyebutkan bahwa kelengkapan dokumen rekam medis khususnya formulir resume medis di RSUD Besuki masih kurang baik. Berdasarkan data yang didapat dalam periode bulan April, Mei, Juni tahun 2019, peneliti mengambil 200 sampel dokumen rekam medis rawat inap di RSUD Besuki khususnya formulir resume medis yaitu bulan april 66 formulir, mei 66 formulir dan juni 68 formulir. Kelengkapan formulir resume medis di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Besuki masih belum 100% lengkap, dari 200 sampel formulir resume medis yang diteliti, formulir resume medis yang tidak lengkap keseluruhan di RSUD Besuki dalam periode bulan april, mei dan juni yaitu 70%, sedangkan formulir resume medis yang lengkap yaitu 30%. Dari data kelengkapan pengisian dokumen rekam medis khusunya resume medis pada bulan april, mei dan juni mengalami peningkatan yaitu dari 24% bulan April, 30% Mei dan 35% Juni. Kata Kunci : rekam medis, kelengkapan formulir
Completeness of medical record documents, especially medical resume forms, is one of the qualities in medical services in hospitals. To reflect the quality of medical services, complete medical records will illustrate the good and bad quality of medical services at the hospital. This study aims to determine the completeness of filling medical record documents, especially inpatient medical resume forms in 2019 in preparation for the SNARS accreditation at Besuki-Situbondo District Hospital. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research design with a focus on inpatient medical resume forms at Besuki District Hospital. Data obtained from the study states that the completeness of medical record documents, especially medical resume forms at the Besuki Regional Hospital is still not good. Based on data obtained in the period April, May, June 2019, researchers took 200 samples of inpatient medical record documents at the Besuki Regional Hospital, especially the medical resume forms, which were April 66 forms, May 66 forms and June 68 forms. Completion of the medical resume form at the Besuki District General Hospital is still not 100% complete, out of the 200 samples of the medical resume form studied, the incomplete medical resume form at Besuki Regional Hospital in the period of April, May and June was 70%, while the resume form complete medical that is 30%. From the completeness of medical record filling data especially medical resumes in April, May and June increased from 24% in April, 30% in May and 35% in June.
Keywords : medical record, form completeness