Abstract :
West Sumba Regency has various potential tourism objects that are no less interesting when compared to other regions in Indonesia. The local government is aware of the tourism potential and is paying attention to this area, with various efforts. This study aims to examine the Tourism Sector Development Policy of the Office of Tourism and Culture of West Sumba Regency for Community Welfare.
This type of research is qualitative with inductive thinking, primary data collection using interviews, informants of this study are officials and competent parties who are considered in accordance with the objectives of the study. Analysis of research data using interactive models (Miles, Huberman and Saldana, 2014: 33), namely; data collection, data display, data reduction and conclusions; drawing / verifying.
The results of the research prove that the Tourism Sector Development policy is based on law / judicial Regional Regulation of West Sumba Regency Number 13 of 2015 concerning the Tourism Development Master Plan of West Sumba Regency in 2015 - 2025. This regional regulation covers a very broad aspect including; goals and objectives, policies and strategies, guidance and supervision, all of which are oriented towards achieving the welfare of the community and increasing Regional Revenue. However, the policy does not include articles on sanctions in the event of a violation in the development of tourism in the district of West Sumba. Tourism Development Policy Vulnerable to violations, it is necessary to Provide Clear and Decisive Sanctions.