Abstract :
This research was conducted at PT. Bandatama Dwijaya Putra which is located on jl. Caringin no.17, Mustikasari, Mustikajaya District, Bekasi city, West Java 17157. The purpose of the study is to test and analyze whether leadership variables and work environment have a positive effect on employee performance. This sampling technique uses the Saturated sample technique or census to take samples from the entire population, which is part of the characteristics and number of the population. Meanwhile, the analysis technique used in this study is multiple linear regression. The results of the study show that leadership (X1) partially, shows that it has a positive and significant effect on employee performance (Y). This can be proven by the regression coefficient value (?1) of 0.758 and the t-value of 6.152 > the t-value of the table 0.4386 and has a significance value of 0 < 0.05. work environment (X2) partially, shows that it has a positive and significant effect on theemployee performance (Y). This can be proven by the regression coefficient (?2) value of 0.046 and the calculated t-value of 3.222 > the t-value of the table 0.4386 and has a significance value of 0 < 0.05. Therefore, Leadership and the Work Environment simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on employee performance.