Abstract :
Purpose : This study aims to analyze product sales accounting information systems, assess internal control of cash sales accounting information systems and find out the results and recommendations of cash sales accounting information systems at PT. Cycle Bios Pro.
Design/methodology/approach : The method used in this study is a qualitative method with a descriptive analysis research design. The subjects in this study were the directors and employees of the finance, marketing, warehouse and delivery of goods at PT Bios Pro Cycle. Methods of data collection using interviews, observation, literature and documentation. The analysis technique in this study uses descriptive analysis techniques.
Findings : The system of cash sales and cash receipts at PT Bios Pro Cycles has been arranged systematically and efficiently. Researchers analyzed the internal control system, there were three components that had not been fulfilled, namely the control environment by looking for multiple jobs. In control activities there is a discrepancy between the physical inventory and product records, and periodic and routine monitoring has not been carried out. The researcher also provides recommendations, namely first to recruit new employees, especially in the marketing and finance departments so that there are no more double assignments in the secretarial and sales departments, secondly using SOP physical calculations in using physical inventory counting cards that have printed serial numbers. , third, conducting periodic and routine correction and monitoring activities from the internal side of the effectiveness of internal control in the company.
Originality : This study contributes to the literature with a focus on accounting information systems, cash sales, cash receipts needed for internal control at PT Bios Pro Cycle.