The Effectiveness Of Egg Breaking Technique To Improve The Students’ Achievement In Writing Procedure Text At The Tenth Grade Student SMK PGRI 2 Nganjuk In Academic Year Of 2019/2020
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Ayu, Puri Nimas
LB Theory and practice of education 
2021-09-23 08:07:16 
Abstract :
The purpose of research is (1) to analyze the students’ writing skill in procedure text before egg breaking technique to be applied (2) to analyze the students’ writing skill in procedure text after egg breaking technique to be applied (3) to analyze the effectiveness of egg breaking technique in improving and motivating the students' writing skill in procedure text. The research is experimental with non equivalent group. The research was done in SMK PGRI 2 Nganjuk in academic year of 2019/2020 by using the population whole class with the total 288 students, while the samples is used by the researcher is the class X Ak 2 by number of class is 32 students and X Ak 3 by number of class is 32 students. The techniques of sampling is using a cluster random sampling. The collecting data used test and observation. The class X Ak 2 as the control class and the class X Ak 3 as the experimental class. The technique of analysis data used to analyze the data in this research is statiscal analysis data t-test. Based on the result of the test, the mean score of pre-test of control class is 72 besides the mean score of post test of control class is 75. It is increasing 3 point. On the other side, the mean score of pre-test of experimental class is 69 and the mean score of post test of experimental class is 77. It is increasing 8 point. From the data presenting, it shows that with the number of sample from the previous analysis, it shows that with the amount of samples (N1 = 32 and N2 = 32), the result of the t-test of control class was 2,7 and t-test of experiment class was 4. The result of t-test calculation shows that the t-test of experiment class is higher than t-test of control class that is 4 > 2,7. The hypothesis statement is accepted. It can be concluded that the use of egg breaking technique in writing procedure text is effective to the students’ achievement at the tenth grade students of SMK PGRI 2 Nganjuk in academic year of 2019/2020. The hypothesis statement is accepted. 

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