Abstract :
The purpose of this research is 1) to find out student mathematics learning achievement by applying cooperative learning model type question student have. 2) to find out student mathematics learning achievement by applying conventional methods. 3) to find out whether there is a difference in mathematics student learning achievement regarding the application of cooperative learning model type question student have with the application of conventional methode in statistical material class VII.
This research is an experimental research with a quantitative approach. The place used in this research is Sukomoro 1 Public Middle School 2019/2020 Academic Year. The research population is class VII as many as 282 students, while the sample used by researchers is class VII-E as many as 32 students and VII-F as many as 32 students by sampling using cluster random sampling techniques. The technique in collecting data is by the test method and the documentation method. Class VII-E as the experimental class and Class VII-F as the control class. The data analysis technique used to analyze the data in this study is the statistical analysis Test – t.
Based on the results of the achievement of students post test scores, the experimental class showed an average value of 82.88 for the control class showing an average value of 76.31. From the analysis results it is known that a significant level of 5% for dk = 62 value of ttable = 1.99 and tcount = 3.24, then tcount> ttable which means H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. So "There is a significant difference between the Implementation of the Cooperative Learning Model Type Question Student Have with the Conventional Method Against Student Learning Achievement in Class VII Statistics in SMP Negeri 1 Sukomoro Nganjuk Regency Academic Year 2019/2020."