Differences Method Of Discovery Guided And Expository Methods Towards Learning Outcomes Of The Remaining Class Viii In SMP Islam Al-Qodir Year Lesson 2019/2020
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LB1603 Secondary Education. High schools 
2021-02-05 12:25:21 
Abstract :
Student success in teaching and learning activities is influenced by the teacher's chosen learning strategy. It is also influenced by real-life learning. The way learning is attributed to real life makes it easier for students to understand what to learn. One of the alternative teaching methods that teachers can use is a guided discovery method. The problem in this study is whether there is a difference between the methods of discovery guided by expository methods on learning outcomes of the subject matter Phytagoras students grade VIII SMP Islam Al-Qodir year lesson 2019/2020. This research aims to find out: (1) Learning results of the subject matter Phytagoras students grade VIII SMP Islam Al-Qodir year lesson 2019/2020 using guided Discovery method, (2 results of learning the subject matter Phytagoras students grade VIII SMP Islam Al-Qodir year lessons 2019/2020 using expository methods, (3) There are differences in student learning outcomes that are taught using the methods of discovery of the most important and expository methods. The research method used is field research using Experimen research, which aims to determine the difference in learning method compared with other learning strategies on learning outcomes. In this case the experiment group is a student taught using a guided discovery method. Moderate control groups are students who are taught using expository methods. The population in this study was all students of grade VIII SMP Islam Al-Qodir year lesson 2019/2020 consisting of two classes, namely Classes VIII A, and VII B with the number of students 61 students. With the population research technique of class VIII A a number of 30 students as an experimental group and class VIII B a number of 31 students as a control group. The data collection techniques used are tests to determine learning outcomes. The Data that has been collected is then analyzed by using test-T with the following: formula: The results showed an average experiment group = 81 and the average control group = 72.6. Hypothesis testing using right-hand test-T with DK = 59 and a = 5% show Price 3,66812 and prices . Because > , Then Rejected and Accepted. This means that there is a significant difference between the use of guided discovery methods and Expository methods on the Phytagoras class VIII material at SMP Islam Al-Qodir year 2019/2020. 

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