Using Story Completion Technique To Improve The Students’ Putting Ideas Of Sequence For Speaking Skill At Tenth Grade Of SMK PGRI 2 Nganjuk In The Academic Year Of 2019/2020
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Efendi, Arisa Dewi
LB Theory and practice of education 
2021-04-19 10:50:18 
Abstract :
The purpose of research is (1) to determine the result of the students’ Putting Ideas of Sequence for Speaking Skill before using Story Completion Technique, (2) to know the result of students’ Putting Ideas of Sequence for Speaking Skill after using Story Completion Technique, and (3) to know the difference before and after using Story Completion Technique to improve the students’ Putting Ideas of Sequence for Speaking Skill at Tenth Grade of SMK PGRI 2 Nganjuk. The research is Experimental Design. The research was done in SMK PGRI 2 Nganjuk in academic year of 2019/2020. By using the population whole class X with the total 144 students, while the samples is used by the researchers is the class X Bank 1 by number of class is 36 students. The technique of data collection used Pre-Test and Post-Test. The technique of data analysis used descriptive statistics data t-test. According to the results that are gotten, H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. It means that there were any significant differences between score of pretest and posttest. Can be proved the mean before using Story Completion Technique is 56,27 and after using Story Completion Technique is 75,83. It means that the mean before using Story Completion Technique is lower than after using Story Completion Technique. It can be concluded that the students’ putting ideas of sequence for speaking skill after using Story Completion Technique better that before using Story Completion Technique. The students’ putting ideas of suquence increase significantly, so to improve the students’ putting ideas of sequence for speaking skill by using Story Completion Technique is effective to increase students’ putting ideas of sequence at Tenth Grade of SMK PGRI 2 Nganjuk in academic year of 2019/2020. 

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