Abstract :
The objectives of the research are (1) To describe the students’ achievement in writing descriptive text before using TGT Method, (2) To describe the students’ achievement in writing descriptive text after using TGT Method, (3) To find out the efectiveness of TGT method to improve the students’ achievement in writing Descriptive Text at the tenth grade of SMAN 2 Nganjuk in the academic year of 2019/2020.
This research employs Quasi-Experimental research design with one group pre-test and post-test. The research was done in SMAN 2 Nganjuk in the academic year of 2019/2020, by using the whole students of the tenth grade as the population with total 1067 students, the sample used by the writer is X MIPA 4 which consists of 36 students. The technique of sampling is using purposive sampling. In collecting data, the writer apply tests. The technique of analysis data used to analyze the data in this research is descriptive statisctical analysis and inferential statistical analysis.
Based on the result of the tests, the average pre-test score is 70,277 and post-test 74,861. Based on the t-table, the value of the t-0,05 for df 35 is 1,689 and value of t-test is 12,590. It can be concluded as follow: T-test value > T-table. Therefore, “TGT Method is proven to be effective to improve the students’ achievement in writing descriptive text at the tenth grade of SMAN 2 Nganjuk in the academic year of 2019/2020â€.