The Effectiveness of Teaching writing Recount Text by Using Picture Series of Tenth Grade of the SMAN 3 Nganjuk in the Accademic Years of 2017/2018
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LB Theory and practice of education 
2021-04-08 09:22:21 
Abstract :
Teaching writing is making student produce text correctly by using a good generic structure and language feature, in this research especially in recount text. Recount text is a text that retells experiences in the past. One of the media that is used to teach writing skill in this research is by using picture series. Picture series is a pictures that represent the story, the picture illustrated the story happened by looking the picture. By using a picture series, the attention of students will be more focused, so pictures can create their inspiration. In this research, the researcher is interested in conducting the title about “The Effectiveness of of Teaching writing Recount Text by Using Picture Series of Tenth Grade of the SMAN 3 Nganjuk in the Accademic Years of 2017/2018”. The formulation of the research problem:1) How is the students’ achievement before being taught by using picture series, 2)How is the students’ achievement after being taught by using picture series, 3) Is there any significant difference of student achievement between before and after being taught by using picture series. The purposes of the research: 1) Find out the students’ achievement being taught by using picture series. 2) Find out the students’ achievement after being taught by using picture series. 3) Find out if there is any significant difference achievement of study between before and after being taught by using picture series. Research method used in this study was quantitative method. The research design in this study was experimental design with quantitative ix approach by using Quasi- Experimental Design with Nonrandomized Control group, pretest – posttest design. The population of this study was the whole of tenth grade of SMAN 3 Nganjuk that consist of 362 students, the sample was MIPA-5 class that consisting 36 students. The research instrument was test. In this research the data was analyze by using t-test. Based on the results of the test students show the score - average pre-test 70,2 and post-test 77, 5 the category is good. based on the results of analysis level significance in d.b 5% is 35 by value table is 1,690 and the value of t -test is 2,438. it can be concluded as follow: t-test > t table so, Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. So that there is any significant used by picture series method and without used to result study of Tenth grade MIPA-5 of the SMAN 3 Nganjuk the academic year of 2017/2018. So the method by using picture serias can help students to develop their writing recount text ability and getting good value. Therefor school can apply this method and the teachers must be inovatif on make method for students so they can motivate to writing more creative with pictures. 

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