Effectiveness By Using Word Wall Method In Vocabulary At The Tenth Grade Students Of SMK PGRI 2 Nganjuk In The Academic Year Of 2019/2020.
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Prayoga, Adil
LB Theory and practice of education 
2021-05-05 04:10:00 
Abstract :
Vocabulary is one important aspect in learning English. If students have weaknesses in vocabulary, they will find it difficult to communicate and deliver messages to the speaker. Students with vocabulary deficiency will find it difficult to understand spoken and written languages, because vocabulary is a basic component in learning English. One of the media that can be used in vocabulary teaching is the Word Wall media. This is a collection of words displayed in capital letters that are visible on walls, bulletin boards, or other display surfaces in class. This is one of the media that will help teachers to teach vocabulary easily. Word walls as real and tangible tools to facilitate discussion and expand the use of words targeted by students. There are three research problems that are formulated in this study. First, how is the students' mastery of vocabulary before being taught using the word wall? Second, how do students master vocabulary after being taught using the word wall? Finally, is there a significant difference between the vocabulary mastery of students taught through wallword media and students taught without using wallword media? Related to the research problem mentioned above, the purpose of this study is to find out students 'mastery of vocabulary before being taught using the word wall, to find out students' mastery of vocabulary after being taught using the word wall, and to find out significant differences between mastery students' vocabulary is taught through wallword media and students are taught without using wallword media. The research design in this study was quasi-experimental using a quantitative approach. In addition, the study population was all tenth grade students of SMK PGRI 2 Nganjuk and the sample was class X AK 2 consisting of 30 students as an experimental group and class X AK 2 consisting of 30 students as a control group. In addition, research instruments are pretest and posttest. And data analysis using group test. The sample test results show that t0 is, and tf table is df 80 and at a significant level of 5% is 1,990. Therefore, 2.401> 1.990 or t0> ttable. So, (H1) is accepted and students receive well. students are taught through wall media and students. 

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