The Effectiveness of Clustering Technique To Improve The Students’ Writing Ability in Descriptive Text The Eleventh Grade Student SMK Negeri 2 Nganjuk in Academic Year of 2019/2020”
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Juliawan, Muhamad Andika
LB Theory and practice of education 
2021-05-05 04:14:47 
Abstract :
The purpose of research is (1) to analyze the students’ descriptive writing ability before taught using clustering technique (2) to analyze the students’ descriptive writing ability after taught using clustering technique (3) to analyze the effectiveness clustering technique to improve the students’ writing ability in descriptive text before and after taught using clustering technique. The research is experimental with non equivalent group. The research was done in SMK Negeri 2 Nganjuk in academic year of 2019/2020 by using the population whole class with the total 288 students, while the samples is used by the researcher is the class XI AKL 3 by number of class is 36 students. The techniques of sampling is using a cluster random sampling. The collecting data used test and observation. The class XI AKL 3 as the experimental class. The technique of analysis data used to analyze the data in this research is statiscal analysis data t-test. Based on the results of the test, There was improvement of students’ mean score from pre-test and post-test. The mean score for the pre-test was 59,03, while the mean score of students’ writing post-test was 72. It means there was 12,97 point of mean score improvement from the pre-test to the post-test. The overall result of students’ writing was good but the more improvement was on generating idea aspect. Then it can be seen that clustering technique is effective to improve the students’ writing ability in descriptive text. 

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