A Study of Maxim Found on Facebook Group of Info@pacitan: Pragmatics Point of View
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PR English literature 
2020-09-05 01:53:45 
Abstract :
Flouting maxim of cooperative principle is one of the things that disturbs. It is indicated by fake news, impolite sentences, or less informative news. Info@pacitan is one of the place that found many cases of flouting maxim. If that happens continuously, then bad things will happen in worldview of someone. Someone will often lie, do not have manners, and certainly will often have dirty words. This study aims (1) to reveal the flouting maxims occurred/available on Info@pacitan facebook (2) to unearth the kind of the flouting maxims viewed from the genders and ages on Info@pacitan facebook (3) to unearth the holistic views that found in the component of flouting maxim on Info@pacitan facebook. In this study, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative method with the comments on 5 posts by members of Info@pacitan as the object of the study. To collect the data, the researcher uses document or context analysis that includes finding the post, writing the flouting maxim found, writing the members data, making qustioner. The main instrument of this study is the researcher and the researcher needs facebook application and Google Form as the questioner to help collect respondents as data reinforcement. Data triangulation is needed to make credibility in this study and dependability of this study by rereads the data twenty times. Furthermore, data analysis process uses the Spradley (1980) models which include domain analysis, taxonomic analysis, componential analysis, and conclusion. The results of the study are (1) from the 5 post on Info@pacitan found 176 cases of flouting maxim that include 24 cases of flouting maxim of quantity, 34 cases of flouting maxim of quality, 61 cases of flouting maxim of relevance, and 57 cases of flouting maxim of manner. Flouting maxim of relevance is mostly found on Info@pacitan because there are many members who comment different from the context such as selling, doing other activities, and scolding the context. (2) Male in over 30 is the most members who had cases of flouting maxim with 107 cases. It is caused one person made many comments on several posts. Many comments by age in 21-25 are found in post that same age with male 23 cases and female 3 cases. Age in 26-30 is the wisest age. It is caused this domain has the fewest cases among other domains with male 13 cases and female 3 cases. There is no case in age above 15 because in this age dominant on Instagram and youtube as social media (3) from the result, the things that cause the flouting maxim on Info@pacitan include age differences, gender differences, cultural differences, poor reading, and inappropriate posts. Therefore, this study is expected to educate the readers especially social media users to be more careful use social media. 
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