The Application of Communicative Language Teaching Approach Via Short Movies in the Speaking Practice at the Eleventh Grade Students of SMKN 2 Pacitan in the Academic Year of 2018/2019
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PN Literature (General) 
2020-08-15 09:56:38 
Abstract :
This research aimed (1) to find out how communicative language teaching approach via short movies can improve students speaking practice of the eleventh grade students of SMKN 2 Pacitan, (2) to reveal the responses of the eleventh grade students of SMKN 2 Pacitan in the speaking practice by using communicative language teaching approach. The subject of this research was students of grade XI PM 1 of SMKN 2 Pacitan, consisting of 31 students. The research applied the principle of Classroom Action Research (CAR). This study was conducted following Kemmis and McTaggart action research procedure was planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The researcher took two cycles. In each cycles was consisted two meeting. The researcher used quantitative and qualitative method. Quantitative data was derived from the pre ? test, cycle I, and cycle II. Meanwhile, qualitative data was derived from observation, interview, and documentation. The instruments for collecting data were observation, documentation, interview sheet, and test. Based on the research findings, the application of communicative language teaching approach via short movies there was improvement of the students? English learning especially speaking skill. First, from the students response result showed that the students? gives positive response. The students? was active in communicative activities when teaching speaking process. Second, the interest students in learning speaking skill by using communicative language teaching approach via short movies showed that 65% students? interest in cycle I and 87% in cycle II. It meant that it increased 22%. Meanwhile, the students? not interest was 35% in cycle I and 13% in cycle II. Third, from the test result which consisted of three tests; pre ? test, cycle I, and cycle II. The score of minimum competence criteria (KKM) of English lesson was 78%. In the pre ? test, there were 35% students who passed the KKM and the mean score pre ? test was 66, 29. The result of cycle I, there were 61% who passed the KKM considering their mean score of the test gained 75, 94. The result of cycle II, showed that there were 90% who passed the KKM in which their mean score derived 90% of improvement. In conclusion, communicative language teaching approach via short movies could improve students? speaking skill. Keywords: Speaking Practice, Communicative Language Teaching, CAR 
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